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Old 09-17-2004, 04:58 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 24

If i upload a SFV

[23:42:46] STOR 00-deep_dish-stay_gold_2004-whitelabel_vinyl-2004-usf.sfv
[23:42:46] ====================
[23:42:46] # of arguments: 5
[23:42:46] [0]=..\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana.exe
[23:42:46] [1]=sc
[23:42:46] [2]=50
[23:42:46] [3]=STOR
[23:42:46] [4]=00-deep_dish-stay_gold_2004-whitelabel_vinyl-2004-usf.sfv
[23:42:46] ====================
[23:42:47] ====================
[23:42:47] # of arguments: 4
[23:42:47] [0]=..\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana.exe
[23:42:47] [1]=pre_stor
[23:42:47] [2]=STOR
[23:42:47] [3]=00-deep_dish-stay_gold_2004-whitelabel_vinyl-2004-usf.sfv
[23:42:47] ====================
[23:42:47] ioBanana Process Time: 20 ms
[23:42:47] exit: 0
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [0]=exclude_groups > SiTEOPS Nukers
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [1]=exclude_users > GReeToZ sitebot
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [2]=exclude_flags > 1M
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [3]=dl_max > 1
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [4]=ul_max > 3
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [0]=excluded_dirs_force > cover covers
[23:42:47] Current dir: /MP3/0917/Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF/
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [0]=transferlog > c:\ioftpd\logs\transfer.log
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [1]=dupecheck_dirs > 0
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [2]=dupecheck_files > 1
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [0]=excluded_dirs_dupe > /!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___
[23:42:47] Value found... 
[23:42:47] [0]=nuketag > [Nuked]-
[23:42:47] ioBanana Process Time: 921 ms
[23:42:47] exit: 0
[23:42:47] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 00-deep_dish-stay_gold_2004-whitelabel_vinyl-2004-usf.sfv.
[23:42:47] RETR 00-deep_dish-stay_gold_2004-whitelabel_vinyl-2004-usf.sfv
[23:42:48] 226-====================
[23:42:48] 226-# of arguments: 5
[23:42:48] 226-[0]=..\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana.exe
[23:42:48] 226-[1]=upload
[23:42:48] 226-[2]=D:\FTPROOT\MP3\0917\Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF\00-deep_dish-stay_gold_2004-whitelabel_vinyl-2004-usf.sfv
[23:42:48] 226-[3]=DBB7EDAA
[23:42:48] 226-[4]=/MP3/0917/Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF/00-deep_dish-stay_gold_2004-whitelabel_vinyl-2004-usf.sfv
[23:42:48] 226-====================
[23:42:48] 226-Current dir: /MP3/0917/Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF/
[23:42:48] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:48] 226-[0]=transferlog > c:\ioftpd\logs\transfer.log
[23:42:48] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 00-deep_dish-stay_gold_2004-whitelabel_vinyl-2004-usf.sfv (112 bytes).
[23:42:48] 226- [Ul: 0.0MB] [Dl: 220.0MB] [Speed: 0.00K/s] [Free: 26973MB]
[23:42:48] 226  [Section: MP3] [Credits: 5639.7MB] [Ratio: 1:3]
[23:42:48] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[1]=dupecheck_dirs > 0
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[2]=dupecheck_files > 1
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[0]=excluded_dirs_dupe > /!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[0]=nuketag > [Nuked]-
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[0]=textfiles > c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana-text
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[1]=cleanse_0bytes_files > 0
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[2]=delete_bad > 0
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[0]=excluded_dirs_zs > /!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[0]=create_race_symlink > 0
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[1]=race_symlink_dir > D:\FTPROOT\
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[2]=maxwidth_race > 40
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[3]=race_linkdir > [Race]-[%]
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[4]=race_dirs > /apps/ /svcd/ /games/ /mp3/
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[5]=race_start_cmd > "=leechers" speedlimit 0 0
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[6]=race_end_cmd > "=leechers" speedlimit 0 0
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[0]=textfiles > c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana-text
[23:42:49] 226-Dir flushed.
[23:42:49] 226-putlog SFV: "/MP3/0917" "Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF" "GReeToZ" "SiTEOPS" "0" "1"
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[1]=autodelete > /REQUESTS/speedtests
[23:42:49] 226-Value found... 
[23:42:49] 226-[0]=transferlog > c:\ioftpd\logs\transfer.log
[23:42:49] 226-ioBanana Process Time: 981 ms
[23:42:49] 226-exit: 0
[23:42:49] 226-[Section: Default]-[Ratio: Unlimited]-[Speed: 0.4kb/s]-[Credits: 609023MB]
[23:42:49] 226-[UL: 198.45GB]-[DL: 0.24GB]-[Free: 160.30GB]
[23:42:49] 226 Transfer complete. 
[23:42:49] Transferred: 00-deep_dish-stay_gold_2004-whitelabel_vinyl-2004-usf.sfv 112 bytes in 0.99 (0.11 KBps)
[23:42:49] PROT P
[23:42:49] 200 Protection set to Private
[23:42:49] PORT **********
[23:42:49] 200 PORT command successful.
[23:42:49] LIST
[23:42:50] Negotiating SSL/TLS session...
[23:42:50] SSL/TLS negotiation successful...
[23:42:50] SSL/TLS connection using cipher EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA (168 bits)
[23:42:50] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.
[23:42:50] 226- [Ul: 0.0MB] [Dl: 220.0MB] [Speed: 0.00K/s] [Free: 26973MB]
[23:42:50] 226  [Section: MP3] [Credits: 5639.7MB] [Ratio: 1:3]
[23:42:50] List Complete: 571 bytes in 1.09 (0.51 KBps)
[23:42:50] PORT **********
[23:42:50] 200 PORT command successful.
[23:42:50] LIST
[23:42:50] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.

If i upload a file
[23:46:41] STOR 01-deep_dish-deep_dish_-_stay_gold_2004-usf.mp3
[23:46:41] ====================
[23:46:41] # of arguments: 5
[23:46:41] [0]=..\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana.exe
[23:46:41] [1]=sc
[23:46:41] [2]=50
[23:46:41] [3]=STOR
[23:46:41] [4]=01-deep_dish-deep_dish_-_stay_gold_2004-usf.mp3
[23:46:41] ====================
[23:46:42] ====================
[23:46:42] # of arguments: 4
[23:46:42] [0]=..\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana.exe
[23:46:42] [1]=pre_stor
[23:46:42] [2]=STOR
[23:46:42] [3]=01-deep_dish-deep_dish_-_stay_gold_2004-usf.mp3
[23:46:42] ====================
[23:46:42] ioBanana Process Time: 10 ms
[23:46:42] exit: 0
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [0]=exclude_groups > SiTEOPS Nukers
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [1]=exclude_users > GReeToZ sitebot
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [2]=exclude_flags > 1M
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [3]=dl_max > 1
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [4]=ul_max > 3
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [0]=excluded_dirs_force > cover covers
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [0]=force_nfo_first > 0
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [1]=force_sfv_first > 0
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [2]=force_dirs > /MP3/
[23:46:42] Current dir: /MP3/0917/Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF/
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [0]=transferlog > c:\ioftpd\logs\transfer.log
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [1]=dupecheck_dirs > 0
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [2]=dupecheck_files > 1
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [0]=excluded_dirs_dupe > /!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___
[23:46:42] Value found... 
[23:46:42] [0]=nuketag > [Nuked]-
[23:46:42] ioBanana Process Time: 941 ms
[23:46:42] exit: 0
[23:46:42] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 01-deep_dish-deep_dish_-_stay_gold_2004-usf.mp3.
[23:46:42] RETR 01-deep_dish-deep_dish_-_stay_gold_2004-usf.mp3
[23:46:43] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 01-deep_dish-deep_dish_-_stay_gold_2004-usf.mp3 (9143403 bytes).
[23:47:33] 226-====================
[23:47:33] 226-# of arguments: 5
[23:47:33] 226-[0]=..\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana.exe
[23:47:33] 226-[1]=upload
[23:47:33] 226-[2]=D:\FTPROOT\MP3\0917\Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF\01-deep_dish-deep_dish_-_stay_gold_2004-usf.mp3
[23:47:33] 226-[3]=CFF04C3E
[23:47:33] 226-[4]=/MP3/0917/Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF/01-deep_dish-deep_dish_-_stay_gold_2004-usf.mp3
[23:47:33] 226-====================
[23:47:33] 226- [Ul: 0.0MB] [Dl: 228.7MB] [Speed: 178.36K/s] [Free: 26946MB]
[23:47:33] 226  [Section: MP3] [Credits: 5631.0MB] [Ratio: 1:3]
[23:47:33] 226-Current dir: /MP3/0917/Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF/
[23:47:33] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:33] 226-[0]=transferlog > c:\ioftpd\logs\transfer.log
[23:47:33] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:33] 226-[1]=dupecheck_dirs > 0
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[2]=dupecheck_files > 1
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=excluded_dirs_dupe > /!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=nuketag > [Nuked]-
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=textfiles > c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana-text
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[1]=cleanse_0bytes_files > 0
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[2]=delete_bad > 0
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=excluded_dirs_zs > /!ioftpd /pre /requests/___speedtests___
[23:47:34] 226-CRC Checked: File is OK!
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=textfiles > c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana-text
[23:47:34] 226-Dir flushed.
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=create_race_symlink > 0
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[1]=race_symlink_dir > D:\FTPROOT\
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[2]=maxwidth_race > 40
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[3]=race_linkdir > [Race]-[%]
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[4]=race_dirs > /apps/ /svcd/ /games/ /mp3/
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[5]=race_start_cmd > "=leechers" speedlimit 0 0
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[6]=race_end_cmd > "=leechers" speedlimit 0 0
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[3]=textfiles > c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana-text
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=parent_incomplete > 1
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[1]=parent_incomplete_dirs > /MP3/
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[2]=2_level_incomplete > cd1 cd2 cd3 cd4 cd5 disc1 disc2 disc3 dvd1 dvd2 dvd3 vobsub vobsubs subtitle subtitles subs subpack codec
[23:47:34] 226-Incomplete symlink processed for '/MP3/0917/Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF/01-deep_dish-deep_dish_-_stay_gold_2004-usf.mp3'
[23:47:34] 226-Incomplete symlink: 'D:\FTPROOT\MP3\0917\[incomplete]-Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF'
[23:47:34] 226-Dir flushed.
[23:47:34] 226-putlog MP3: "/MP3/0917" "Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF" "MPEG 1 Layer III" "192 kbps" "44100 Hz" "06:20" "8929 KB" "Stereo" "Deep Dish - Stay Gold 2004" "Deep Dish" "Stay Gold 2004 Vinyl" "House" "USF2oo4" "2004"
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=excluded_dirs_sortmp3 > /!ioftpd /PRE /requests/___speedtests___
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=mp3_genre_path > D:\FTPROOT\MP3\Sorted\Genre\
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[1]=mp3_year_path > D:\FTPROOT\MP3\Sorted\Year\
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[2]=mp3_artist_path > c:\ioftpd\site\mp3\Sorted\Artist\
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[3]=mp3_artist_sort_alpha > 1
[23:47:34] 226-Creating MP3 Links...
[23:47:34] 226-mp3_genre_path='D:\FTPROOT\MP3\Sorted\Genre\'
[23:47:34] 226-mp3_year_path='D:\FTPROOT\MP3\Sorted\Year\'
[23:47:34] 226-mp3_artist_path='c:\ioftpd\site\mp3\Sorted\Artist\'
[23:47:34] 226-vfs:add 555 0:0 "D:\FTPROOT\MP3\Sorted\Genre\House\Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF"
[23:47:34] 226-vfs:chattr 1 "D:\FTPROOT\MP3\Sorted\Genre\House\Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF" "/MP3/0917/Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF"
[23:47:34] 226-vfs:add 555 0:0 "D:\FTPROOT\MP3\Sorted\Year\2004\Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF"
[23:47:34] 226-vfs:chattr 1 "D:\FTPROOT\MP3\Sorted\Year\2004\Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF" "/MP3/0917/Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF"
[23:47:34] 226-Can't create symlink 'c:\ioftpd\site\mp3\Sorted\Artist\D\Deep Dish\Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF'.
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=textfiles > c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana-text
[23:47:34] 226-Empty value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[2]=on_release_complete > 
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[1]=writediz > 1
[23:47:34] 226-putlog COMPLETE-B1: "/MP3/0917" "Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF" "8" "1" "31" "4" "45" "GReeToZ" "SiTEOPS" "177" "177"
[23:47:34] 226-Á                                                                              Á
[23:47:34] 226-                              r a c e   s t a t s                               
[23:47:34] 226-Â                                                                  -BWL        Â
[23:47:34] 226- ³   --- Users ---                    ³       ³         ³            ³        ³
[23:47:34] 226- ¯  #01 GReeToZ         @ SiTEOPS     ³ 001 F ³    9 MB ³   177 kBps ³ 100.0% ®
[23:47:34] 226-³   --- Groups ---                    ³       ³         ³            ³         ³
[23:47:34] 226-³ ¯ #01 SiTEOPS                       ³ 001 F ³    9 MB ³   177 kBps ³ 100.0%  ®
[23:47:34] 226-³                              TOTALS ³ 001 F ³    9 MB ³    31 kBps ³ 100.0%  ³
[23:47:34] 226-  ³ Race Duration:    4 mins 45 secs  ³ Race Completion: 001 of 001 F = 100% ³
[23:47:34] 226-  ³ Dir Creation:  04-09-17 23:42:16  ³ Last Dir Update: 04-09-17 23:47:01   ³
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=textfiles > c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana-text
[23:47:34] 226-Dir flushed.
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=textfiles > c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana-text
[23:47:34] 226-vfs:add 700 106:101 "D:\FTPROOT\MP3\0917\Deep_Dish-Stay_Gold_2004-Whitelabel_Vinyl-2004-USF\[100% Complete]-[1F @ 8.7MB at 31KBps]-[mp3info - House (2004) @ 192kbps]"
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=parent_stats > 1
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=textfiles > c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana-text
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[1]=autodelete > /REQUESTS/speedtests
[23:47:34] 226-Value found... 
[23:47:34] 226-[0]=transferlog > c:\ioftpd\logs\transfer.log
[23:47:34] 226-ioBanana Process Time: 1162 ms
[23:47:34] 226-exit: 0
[23:47:34] 226-[Section: Default]-[Ratio: Unlimited]-[Speed: 177.3kb/s]-[Credits: 609023MB]
[23:47:34] 226-[UL: 198.45GB]-[DL: 0.24GB]-[Free: 160.29GB]
[23:47:34] 226 Transfer complete. 
[23:47:34] Transferred: 01-deep_dish-deep_dish_-_stay_gold_2004-usf.mp3 8.72 MB in 51.35 (173.87 KBps)
[23:47:34] Transferred 1 file totaling 8.72 MB in 53.89 (173.87 KBps)
[23:47:34] User Aborted
GReeToZ is offline   Reply With Quote