uinfo = TCL ..\scripts\limitGA.itcl u
ginfo = TCL ..\scripts\limitGA.itcl g
user = @uinfo
group = @ginfo
this works just fine.
[14:16:46] [R] site group Animals
[14:16:47] [R] 200-Description: New Group
[14:16:47] [R] 200 ginfo Command successful.
[14:16:50] [R] site group iND
[14:16:50] [R] 200-You're not allowed to GINFO this groups.
[14:16:50] [R] 550 Command failed.
[14:16:22] [R] site user Dark
[14:16:22] [R] 200-.--------------------------------[User Info]----------------------------------.
[14:16:22] [R] 200 uinfo Command successful.
[14:16:26] [R] site user FTPServerTools
[14:16:26] [R] 200-You're not allowed to UINFO this user.
[14:16:26] [R] 550 Command failed.