Thread: ioGui2 problem
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Old 09-08-2004, 05:44 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 21
Default ioGui2 problem

I'm running...

dZSbot 1.15
ioA 1.19
ioZS V2

Followed the manual for ioGui 2 over again to ensure I installed correctly. However the problem is still there.. when I log into the site using the GUI,

The top left a lit up icon to show connected and users are shown at the bottom... upload and download, but on the right side its all grey and no options are there, so its basically limited to next to nothing I can do.

A small part on the left is white and the rest is grey.

I must have something wrong... ??? ?!

I edited the config file (sites.ini)

name = io.Default
host = hidden.ip
port = 444
user = testyaknow
pass = testyaknow
ident =
connectonstartup = 1
usesslproxy = 0


# misc. settings #

window_caption_online = ioGui2 - %(sitename) - %(online_all) users, %(bandwidth_total) kBps
window_caption_offline = ioGui2 - %(sitename) - Not connected.

# ----- optional -----
# textbox_fontname = Terminal
# textbox_fontsize = 6
# sitesicon_connected = F:\Documents\VBProjects\ioTOOLS\ioGui2\icons\onlin e.ico
# sitesicon_disconnected = F:\Documents\VBProjects\ioTOOLS\ioGui2\icons\offli ne.ico
# tabicon_console =
# tabicon_activity =
# tabicon_browser =
# tabicon_stats =
# tabicon_users =
# tabicon_groups =
# tabicon_settings =
# tabicon_results =

# activity list settings #
# refreshtime in ms

# ----- optional -----
# activityicon_idle = F:\Documents\VBProjects\ioTOOLS\ioGui2\icons\large .ico
# activityicon_up = F:\Documents\VBProjects\ioTOOLS\ioGui2\icons\user_ u.ico
# activityicon_down = F:\Documents\VBProjects\ioTOOLS\ioGui2\icons\user_ d.ico

# ------not yet------
# hide_self = 1
# who_refresh = 750

# tray icon #
# minimize_to_tray only works when show_trayicon is enabled

show_trayicon = 1
minimize_to_tray = 1
trayicon_text_online = [ioGui2] - %(sitename) - %(online_all) users, %(bandwidth_total) kBps
trayicon_text_offline = [ioGui2] - %(sitename) - Disconnected

# ----- optional -----
# trayicon_idle = F:\Documents\VBProjects\ioTOOLS\ioGui2\icons\tray_ i.ico
# trayicon_up = F:\Documents\VBProjects\ioTOOLS\ioGui2\icons\tray_ u.ico
# trayicon_down = F:\Documents\VBProjects\ioTOOLS\ioGui2\icons\tray_ d.ico
# trayicon_both = F:\Documents\VBProjects\ioTOOLS\ioGui2\icons\tray_ b.ico
# trayicon_offline = F:\Documents\VBProjects\ioTOOLS\ioGui2\icons\tray_ o.ico

# WinSSLWrap tunnel #
# for AUTH TLS support

ssl_tunnel_host = localhost
ssl_tunnel_port = 666

# SITE NUKE command #

site_nuke_syntax = site nuke %(name) %(mult) %(reason)
site_nuke_replace_spaces = .

# Menu's #

menu_tray = ioFTPD main site | $exec
menu_tray = ioFTPD forum | $exec
menu_tray = - | $null
menu_tray = Start ioFTPD | $exec c:\ioFTPD.5.6\system\ioftpd.exe
menu_tray = Kill ioFTPD | $kill c:\ioFTPD.5.6\system\ioftpd.exe
menu_tray = - | $null
menu_tray = edit ioftpd.ini | $exec c:\ioFTPD.5.6\system\ioftpd.ini
menu_tray = start flashfxp | $exec X:\FlashFXP.2.2\flashfxp.exe
menu_tray = open console | $exec cmd.exe
menu_tray = - | $null
menu_tray = close ioGui | $exit

menu_browser = nuke | $nuke
menu_browser = wipe | %ftp site wipe %(name)
menu_browser = rescan | $ftp site rescan
menu_browser = refresh | $ftp site refresh
menu_browser = - | $null
menu_browser = chmod | $chmod
menu_browser = chattr (hide dir) | $chattr
menu_browser = - | $null
menu_browser = delete | $delete

menu_userlist = delete %(name) | %ftp site deluser %(name)
menu_userlist = copy... | $copyuser %(uid)

menu_grouplist = delete %(name) | %ftp site grpdel %(name)
menu_grouplist = (copy) | $copygroup %(gid)

menu_activity = kick CID %(cid) | $ftp site kill %(cid)
menu_activity = kick all %(user)@%(group) | $ftp site kick %(user)
menu_activity = (kick all of %(group)) | $null
menu_activity = (kick all in %(pwd)) | $null
menu_activity = (kick where ip=%(clientip)) | $null
menu_activity = (kick all) | $null
menu_activity = - | $null
menu_activity = copy IP | $copy %(clientip)
menu_activity = copy PWD | $copy %(pwd)
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