Thread: ioA Site Search
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Old 08-18-2004, 11:14 AM  
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Default ioA Site Search

I like the search function of ioA. Especially reading from the *.log file rather than murder my hard drives every time it searches. I just have a question about the results. When i have it scan dir only, it obviously doesn't pick up files within a folder that doesn't have the artist name in it. But this option returns exactly what i want, just the directory and just one time. When i have ioA search dir + files, it does what i want, by picking up all files with the search term, rather than just the dirs. But the output in this mode is a bit much. By default, it lists every file with every full path. The output part of my my ioA.conf looks like this.

#Search_Output_Match = " %vfs/%target "
Search_Output_Match = " %vfs "

So i have it halfway there, by just displaying the directory, rather than the full path, with filename and all its just the directory that the file is in. Only problem, is that if there are 15 files in the folder with the search term in them, the output will repeat the output.


site search bien425


I dont need it to tell me that each file is in there, just that there is at least one file in it that matches bien425. In raidenftpd, the dupe function works exactly like i want it. But i heart ioFTPD and would like to know if this type of search/dupe is available.

here is the search portion of ioA.cfg if it will help

Search_Use_Star = 0
Search_Minimum_Length = 3
Search_Output_Too_Short = " Searchstring must be %characters characters or more"
Search_Output_Matches = "\n There are %number matches to your search criteria"
Search_Output_No_Matches = " Sorry no matches to your search"
#Search_Output_Match = " %vfs/%target "
Search_Output_Match = " %vfs "
Search_Path_0 = d:\ioFTPD\site|/|4
Search_Path_1 = k:\|/SCHOOL|
#Search_Exclude_Path_0 = d:\ioFTPD\site\pre\*
#Search_Exclude_Path_1 = d:\ioFTPD\site\admin\*
Search_Exclude_Show_0 = *complete*
Search_Exclude_Show_1 = *incomplete*
Search_Include_Files = 1
Search_File_Filter_0 = .*
Search_File_Filter_1 = *.nfo
Search_File_Filter_2 = .message
Search_Log_File = d:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\search.log
Search_Using_Log = 1


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