1. ioAUTONUKE actually works here. It has been tested many times and hasn't failed yet.
It hasn't changed between v20pre7 and v20 by the way.
What log ? Please note that directories are skipped if they are older than 24h.
2. You should have
READ the manual and/or the forums. None of the default skins supports per section colours. I have added the %scolor cookie that's replaced with the section colour (or the default one) for ppl writing their own skins. Default skins that have colours are
ALWAYS using the default colour $ioBvar(color1).
It was working in v20pre7 and is still working in v20.
Note: set color(DEFAULT) doesn't set the default colour which is $ioBvar(color1) but sets the colour for the DEFAULT section.
3. Unless your sitebot is disconnected when checking the month stats (only at the end of the month obviously), the users who failed quota are moved back to trial if:
set ioBvar(deluserquota) 0
set ioBvar(moveuserquota) 1