Using ioFTPD 5-8-5r ioBanana 20 Final ioA 1.1.7.
!imdb and !google show no response in the channel, on the partyline, in BotError.log, SystemError.log, or ioBanana_err.txt. All other !cmds work and it shows imdb info in chan on movie nfo uploaded to site.
Relevant settings in ioBanana.tcl:
# Enable !google ?
set ioBvar(google) 1
# Enable !imdb ?
set ioBvar(imdb) 1
# Select the method used for /msg !invite
# 0 = disabled
# 1 = plain text password (old method, not compatible with ioFTPD modules)
# 2 = hashed password (new method, check SITE IRCINVITE)
set ioBvar(invite_m) 2
# Use secure irc-invite ? 0=no/1=yes
set ioBvar(invite_s) 1
set ioBvar(hosts_log) "c:/ioFTPD/logs/hosts.log"
# !imdb settings
# 0 = all results will be sent as private message
# 1 = all results will be sent publicly to the channel
set imdb(pub_or_not) 1
# Use http.tcl or curl
# 0 = http.tcl ; 1 = curl
set imdb(method) 0
# Path to the curl binary
# Download it from
set imdb(curl) "C:/Windrop/scripts/curl.exe"
set imdb(debug) 1
I've tried setting "set imdb(method) 0" to both 0 and 1 for http.tcl and curl.exe and using both methods nothing happens. I also tried with "set imdb(debug) 1" to 0 and 1 but see no error output anywhere. I have other !imdb and !google scripts I can use but why load 3 scripts when I can just load one.

And I'm also curious why this isn't working. Searched but didnt find an answer so might as well post this question in case anybody else runs into this snag as well although I'm sure it's a minor thing. Thanks in advance.
p.s.: the path to curl.exe is correct.