In short: "You want something to be logged to ioFTPD.log when an approved release is removed from the list", am I right ?
Open ioFTPD.log and have a look there.
All events logged by ioBanana aren't formatted at all ; they are logged as-is. Ie.
mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss APPROVED: "<approved release>" "<username>"
That way you can customize announces the way you want.
Own announce events ? And how would ioBanana know what to log and when ?
That would be way too much complicated compared to how it's done now. It logs all informations in their minimal form and then ioBanana.tcl uses the announce templates to format the output using those informations (with cookies and variables). Thus, you don't have to hexedit anything but edit your *.skin file (if it's logged of course

The "announce" you get from the bot with your !delapproved command isn't an announce but the reply any user would get on SITE APPROVE REMOVE <release>.
Nothing forbids you to replace/skip/change that reply before sending it to the irc channel by the way. Feel free to contact me on irc (#ioBanana) and i'll explain you how to do that.
Just curious, how often do you approve and then disapprove a release ?