Done some more testing, and its kinda intermittent
*> !ep -id 24313
*Bot has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
*Bot has joined #EwarWoo
*Woo> !ep -id 24313
*Bot> [] Show Title........: Lost - LAST Episode.......: 2x08 - Collision (a.k.a.Old Habits) (November 23, 2005 .. 6 days ago) - NEXT Episode.......: 2x09 - What Kate Did (November 30, 2005 .. Tomorrow)
Exact same command crashed it one time then not next :/
And I did have Monk work for me:
*> !ep monk
*Bot> [] Show Title.........: Monk
*Bot> [] LAST Episode.......: 4x08 - Mr. Monk and Little Monk (August 26, 2005 .. 13 weeks 4 days ago)
*Bot> [] NEXT Episode.......: 4x09 - Mr. Monk and the Secret Santa (December 2, 2005 .. 3 days remaining)
So its not Monk causing it that was just a coincidence. Just sometimes works, sometimes crashes without anything being changed.
N the more I use the !ep -id # the more annoying it becomes. Hehe. However other than great script, love how easy it is to customise