Cant get it to work like i want.
Have tried to get the output directly from !ep 24 to:
<bot> Last 24: Day 4: 6:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. (4x12) . . . Air Date: Mon, March 7, 2005 (5 days ago)
<bot> Next Day 4: 7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. (4x13) . . . Air Date: Mon, March 14, 2005 (2 days remaining)
but when i do !ep 24 i get:
<bot> => Found 7 shows matching "24". Shown max. first 1 shows.
<bot> Exact match: 24 (_24)
<bot> Results: 24 (_24)
<bot> --=----- Use "!ep -id <text in parentheses>" to get info ------=--
and then i have to do a !ep -id _24.
What can i do to get the last and next direct??
Sry if there is a post about this already have read the whole post but maby i missed.