Thread: EPGuru
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Old 10-02-2004, 07:44 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 4

I was asked to set this script up on someone elses server. I haven't used an eggdrop much before and wanted to check to see if I have taken the right steps. The eggdrop is already setup and works fine with the scripts already loaded.

I am using;
Eggdrop v1.6.8
on a Debian stable server

The last line of the eggdrop conf file reads.
source /usr/share/eggdrop/scripts/EPGuru.3.2.tcl

EPGuru.3.2.tcl is pretty much stock with just
set epguru(epgcache) "epguru.epg.cache" being changed. epguru.epg.cache is writeable by that user.

Typing "!ep -help" into the channel dosen't get a response. I can't see any errors being reported anywhere. Anyone have any ideas?
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