Thread: ioBackup
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Old 07-21-2004, 12:22 PM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 142

SMB means Server Message Block. It's the protocol that windows (and Samba) use to connect network drive (to a directory you shared) and transfer files

You forgot to add FTP to the line (as I see your first try)
backup = EXEC ..\scripts\backup.bat testing FTP 5867 user pass folderonremoteftp

You also pointed to a bug (something I forgot: deleting old backup directory if script failed). i also found 1 error.
Everything is corrected in v1.1.1

Strange, I also got once (for me it's SITE BACKUPTO):
[L] site backupto (all parameters)
[L] 500 SITE backup: Command not understood.

I cannot explain why, I think that's an ioFTPD error.
When you got this, try reconnect to the FTP

edit: there was also some errors in readme, sorry (corrected)
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