Both the ftp that's being backup'd and the one it's beeing send to is ofcourse up and running. I've edited backup.bat's rarpath (which according to readme is the only thing to edit there) and added custom command in ioftpd.ini like this:
backup = EXEC ..\scripts\backup.bat testing 5867 user pass folderonremoteftp
first try gave me:
R] site backup
[R] 200-Det finns redan en fil eller underkatalog med namnet backup.
[R] 200-Det finns redan en fil eller underkatalog med namnet etc.
[R] 200-Det finns redan en fil eller underkatalog med namnet users.
[R] 200-Det finns redan en fil eller underkatalog med namnet groups.
[R] 200-Det finns redan en fil eller underkatalog med namnet ini.
[R] 200-Parameters: SMB/FTP WhereToSend [Port] Login Pass Directory
[R] 200-
[R] 200-SMB/FTP Send the file via a network drive or FTP
[R] 200-WhereToSend FTP where to send backup
[R] 200-Port Port of the FTP even if it's 21.
[R] 200- Don't give it if sending via network drive
[R] 200-Login Login of the FTP
[R] 200-Pass FTP and archive password
[R] 200-Directory Where to put archive
[R] 200 Command successful.
Then i tried 2 more and both times got:
[L] site backup
[L] 500 SITE backup: Command not understood.
[L] site backup
[L] 500 SITE backup: Command not understood.
So i'm sorry to say once more... it's not working
EDIT: it is doing something though.... just found a backup folder inside my ioFTPD folder with the files that's supposed to be backup'd. What's it doing there i don't know and why it's not in rar i dunno eihter
EDIT 2: What's a SMB??