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Old 07-17-2004, 09:14 AM  
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Default ioBananav20pre6 x Sections

ioBananav20pre6 x Sections

Hello ppl...

This problem has solution? Indeed, I wait that YES!!!

$ioBvar(sections) "0 1" still not working in ioBananav20pre6

The command !quota, in IRC, that it would have to present the total of uploads in section 0 and section 1, shows, only, uploads of section 0.

Using debug 2, in iobanana.tcl, and the command !quota userxxx in channel:

the channel shows:

[11:55] <@MidasKing> !quota userxxx
[11:55] <@|XL|> [12MONTHLY QUOTA] - userxxx/GROUPYYY upped 1.41gb / 2.00gb this month.
[11:55] <@|XL|> userxxx got 14d 9h to reach 2.00gb - this is 41.47mb/day.
The partyline shows:

[11:55] debug | -> rc=" "
-> msgtext=""
-> state="quote"
[11:55] debug | ---> NOOP
[11:55] debug | -> rc="200"
-> msgtext="NOOP command successful."
-> state="quote_sent"
[11:55] debug control | C: 200 NOOP command successful.
[11:55] debug | -> rc=" "
-> msgtext=""
-> state="quote"
[11:55] debug | ---> SITE STATS MONTHUP LIMIT userxxx SECTION "0 1"
[11:55] debug | -> rc="200"
-> msgtext="+-----------------------------------------+"
-> state="quote_sent"
[11:55] debug control | C: 200-+-----------------------------------------+
[11:55] debug control | C: 200-| Month Top Uploaders |
[11:55] debug control | C: 200-+-----------------------------------------+
[11:55] debug control | C: 200-| ## | USER @ GROUP | MBYTES |
[11:55] debug control | C: 200-+----+-------------------------+----------+
[11:55] debug control | C: 200-| 01 | userxxx @ GROUPYYY | 1451.7 |
[11:55] debug control | C: 200-+----+-------------------------+----------+
[11:55] debug control | C: 200 STATS Command successful.
[11:55] quota123: request processed in ☻0☻ seconds for MidasKing (~MidasKing@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) in #XSITE
[11:55] debug | -> rc=" "
-> msgtext=""
-> state="quote"
[11:55] debug | ---> NOOP
[11:55] debug | -> rc="200"
-> msgtext="NOOP command successful."
-> state="quote_sent"
[11:55] debug control | C: 200 NOOP command successful.
[11:56] debug | -> rc=" "
-> msgtext=""
-> state="quote"
[11:56] debug | ---> NOOP
[11:56] debug | -> rc="200"
-> msgtext="NOOP command successful."
-> state="quote_sent"
[11:56] debug control | C: 200 NOOP command successful.
However, the userxxx upload 1457.14 in section 0 and 2147.11 in section 1, or either, the command !quota only shows the results of section 0.

Somebody had similar problem??? Or ioBvar(sections) really not function???

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