Requests from IRC doesnt work
VERSION: ioFTPD 5-8-5r - dZSbot 1.15 - Eggdrop 1.6.15+SSL - ioA 1.1.4
I am pulling my hair over here and the solution to my problem is probably to simple for me to see.
SITE REQUEST works at the site but the !reqadd !reqdel !reqfilled gives me nothing. However !requests gives me the right responses. I've checked all the logs and debug files but I see no entries. I've tried watching the eggdrop to see if any errors are shown, but nada. Please help me.
Request_Header = "-[Request]----------------------------------------------------------------------"
Request_Footer = "--------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-"
Request_File = "d:\request\.ioFTPD.message"
Request_Line = " [%##] [%-10user] -> %request"
Request_Field = " -> "
Request_Max = 100
Request_Max_User = 100
Request_Excluded_User_0 = "BoT"
Request_Too_Many_Made = " Too many requests made. Limit is %.0request"
Request_Too_Many_Made_User = " You have made too many requests already. Limit is %.0request"
Request_Already_Made = " That is already requested"
Request_Output_Line = " Added request: %request"
Request_Log = ""%user" "%group" "%request" "
Request_Add_Tag = 1
Request_Tag = "[REQ]-%request"
Request_IRC_Uid = 118
Request_IRC_Gid = 104
Reqfilled_Not_Found = " Request not found"
Reqfilled_Log = ""%user" "%group" "%request""
Reqdel_Log = ""%user" "%group" "%request""
Reqdel_Output_Line = " Deleted following request: %request"
Reqfilled_Output_Line = " Filled following request: %request"
Reqfilled_Tag = "[FILLED]-%request"
ReqFilled_Add_Tag = 1
ReqFilled_Send_Message = 0