It works fine and everything but in dbase it isn`t the date i added the user.
Let me give an example:
I have site1 and site2 ... on site1 i add a user TEST in group Trial
when i do
!1trials (for site1)
[16:42] <bot1> [TRIALS]
[16:42] <bot1> games upped 25.20mb/3.00gb since 2004-06-27 (2.97gb left) - Day 0/7 - still in trial :-
...but for bot for site2
[16:47] <bot2> [TRIALS]
[16:47] <bot2> games upped 37.20mb - error during trial start date lookup
So im guessing cause the user was added on site1 the !1trials is working correctly but for !2trials not cause in the db isn`t the information about the date when user was added.
And it gets complicated also by quota in the same way if i have qouta not for users which were added after the 7th in month it also wont work right cause on site2 it can`t find the information when the user was added and he always has the quota even he was added on 29th.