FTPServerTools scripts update warning
For anyone that uses my scripts. I just did some major cookie updating. So OnDirCreated, OnDirDeleted and FTPLogger are all working with it. You need the last FTPServerTools.ini with it. The %t and %s and %~f and such cookies are all gone and are now more readable cookies. Dont mix the use of older and newer versions of those scripts with each other.
In short:
%[ParentPath] = the full path of the parent dir being handled (*NEW*)
%t is now %[DirPath]
%[DirName] = the name dir that is being handled (*NEW*)
%t is now %[FilePath]
%f is now %[FileName]
%#e is now %[FilesExpected]
%a is now %[FilesAvailable]
%#f is now %[FilesGood]
%#b is now %[FilesBad]
%#m is now %[FilesMissing]
%#e is now %[FilesExtra]
%$a is now %[SizeAvailable]files in bytes/KBytes/MBytes
%$f is now %[SizeGood]
%$e is now %[SizeExpected]
%~u is now %[UserName]
%~f is now %[PercentGood]
%~o is now %[PercentMissing]%~p is now %[ProgressBar]
More changes will be coming...
I needed this for %[MP3Artist] and so on.. More changes will be coming.