Try with version before 1.6.13
I don't remember but with version 1.5.xx, it works better.
It depends also with your OS: I'm under windows 2000 pro and the egg crash with a lots of sites (I don't use ioJTQ but i have the same problem with my own script).
A friend test my script under windows xp and it doesn't crash :/
You may test with different version of windrop. That's what i have done.
But the best thing is to have an eggdrop on linux
An other solution can be:
Set the timeout session on all your ioFTPD to 600 seconds
and set the noop timer in ioJTQ to 500 seconds
Maybe the egg does'nt have the time to connect to all sites and the noop_send command is already send by the egg. (I though it was the problem on my scripts but it didn't change anything when i have increased the timeout).
I think a problem with some version of windrop.