Thread: iojTQ
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Old 08-01-2004, 04:41 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 3

Firt, Thx for ur Script jeza, he's very usefull

Got a pb with Top5, Trial & Quota.
The script get stats for the first site but not for the others:
[00:59] <SeuZ> !top5 site1
[00:59] <xxx> [TOP 5] MonthUP Uploaders on site1 are
[00:59] <xxx> 001 xxx / iND 4009.4 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 002 xxx / SiTEOP 2897.9 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 003 xxx / SiTEOP 2476.9 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 004 xxx / SiTEOP 2093.6 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 005 xxx / TRiAL 407.5 MB

[00:59] <SeuZ> !top5 site2
[00:59] <xxx> [TOP 5] MonthUP Uploaders on site2 are
[00:59] <xxx> 001 SeuZ / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 002 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 003 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 004 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:59] <xxx> 005 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
Same pb on quota & Trial. when i set debug On, the bot dosent show any pb. (ioQT.conf & iojTQftplib.tcl). Ive look in the trial / stats & trial dir (into ioQT) and I think the pb is a non-recup off the stats (always 0 (exept for the site1 but 1day after)). I got ioLog (but Ive disabled the backup of Sysop.log)

here a example of trial (same on all spam):
[TRiAL] xxx Upped : site1 (0.0/2000 MB) site2 (0.0/2000 MB) site3 (0.0/2000 MB) site4 (0.0/2000 MB)
Another pb is when a new day come:
[00:13] <xxx> Todays site1 TOP 3 Uploaders
[00:13] <xxx> 001 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:14] <xxx> 002 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:14] <xxx> 003 xxx / SiTEOP 0.0 MB
[00:14] <xxx> Todays site2 TOP 3 Uploaders
[00:14] <xxx> Todays site3 TOP 3 Uploaders
[00:14] <xxx> Todays site4 TOP 3 Uploaders
I run the tcl on the site1 (not the dzbot) & i use ioFTPD 5.8 for site1 & ioFTPD 5.6 on site2

Sorry for my Very Bad french English & Thx to ur Help ( love ioQT)
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