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Old 07-21-2004, 07:23 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 236

Originally posted by Mouton
So no, i don't have any more time for non-paid work. I have a new job on which I work around 50h a week, and which makes me travel often, and I work for IniCom already on and, which takes another 10-20h a week. And I bought a new house, which needs some fixing now and then, and I have a gf, which I love to spend time with.
Programming for free goes way down in this long list.
Hmm, I know all too well what this is like. A job that takes the majority of my time, I too am building a new house, a gf that requires my attention. Oh, and lets not forget the new puppy I'll be picking up Friday. Whew...but I really wish I could sneak more time into programming my own stuff, I still have many really cool ideas...
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