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Old 05-16-2002, 03:07 PM  
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 30
Default Rebuilding directory structure when uploading

When you have enqueued a file for downloading to a local directory, and then delete the local directory and start the queue, FlashFXP rebuilds the local directory structure before dowloading the file into it.

It doesn't work the same way when you are uploading. If you delete the distant directory, FlashFXP doesn't try to rebuild it before uploading. It only tries a CWD into the directory and as it doesn't exist any more, the transfer fails.

I think it would be great if FlashFXP could try to rebuild the distant directory structure (with a series of CWD and MKD) matching the one recorded into the queue.

I explain why I miss this functionality :
Sometime I enqueue several files for uploading to a specific directory I create for my own files on a distant site.
If the connection with the site is lost before the end of the queue and if the owner of the site grabs the files I uploaded for him and deletes the distant directory before I can reconnect, then the remaining files of the queue will not be uploaded for the directory no longer exists.
This would succeed if FlashFXP could rebuild the directories.

Of course if one of the commands to try to rebuild the distant directory structure would fail, the transfer would be canceled as it is for the moment.
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