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Old 04-16-2004, 03:16 PM  
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 59

Originally posted by Mouton
edit your site exec batch file could help...
try to cd to your windrop dir...
I´m afraid i´ve lost you here, what exactly do you want me to do? Edit the batfile? I´ve done that already, if you are referring to botchk.bat, that one that is supposed to start the eggie from inside ioFTPD. Looks like this:

@echo off
cd "C:\windrop"

rem Change this to the name of your bot's config:
set botscript=eggdrop.conf

rem Change this to the handle/botnet-nick of your bot:
set botname=xxxxxxx

rem Change this to the name of your bot's userfile:
set userfile=xxxxxxxxx.user

rem You probably don't need to change anything below here....
if exist .share* del .share*
if exist *.stackdump del *.stackdump
if exist *.tmp del *.tmp
if not exist %botscript% echo Config file (%botscript%) missing.
if not exist %botscript% goto cantload
if exist %userfile% goto checkrunning
if exist %userfile%~new ren %userfile%~new %userfile%
if exist %userfile% echo Missing userfile... Using the last saved one..
if exist %userfile% goto checkrunning
if exist %userfile%~bak ren %userfile%~bak %userfile%
if exist %userfile% echo Missing userfile... Using the last backed up one..
if exist %userfile% goto checkrunning
if not exist %userfile% echo Userfile missing. No backup/last saved userfile either. =/
goto cantload

taskisrunning eggdrop.exe
if errorlevel 2 goto end
if errorlevel 1 goto end
if errorlevel 0 goto restart
goto end

set result=
if not exist eggdrop.exe echo eggdrop.exe not found!
if not exist eggdrop.exe goto cantload
echo Restarting Eggdrop...
HideRun.exe eggdrop.exe -nt
if errorlevel 8 echo Possibly Missing .dll File(s)? (tcl8*.dll, cygwin1.dll)
if errorlevel 8 goto cantload
goto success

echo Could not reload the bot. =(
goto end

echo Successfully Started Eggdrop (%botname% - %botscript%).


The xxx´s is replacement letter as you understand.
The eggdrop starts just fine using the batfile from a command line in a command window, it just cant be started from within ioFTPD calling it with SITEBOT = EXEC c:\windrop\HideRun.exe c:\windrop\botchk.bat.
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