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Old 04-09-2004, 04:27 PM  
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 37
Default question about nuke reason folder!

Nukes_Header			= "-[Nukes]---------------------------------------------------------------------\n|    Nuker       | Nukees                 |   Size   | Reason               |"
Nuke_Splitter			= " "
Nuke_Exist			= " Nuke already exist. Remove it and try again"
Nuke_Source_Not_Found		= " Unable to find directory to nuke"
Nuke_Other_Groups		= " You are not allowed to nuke other groups"
Nuke_Verify_Group		= " Unable to verify group\n Do release contain -<groupname> at the end?"
Nuke_Head			= "[Nuked]-%directory"
Nuke_Empty_Nuke			= 50
Nuke_Empty_Nuke_Text		= " Applying emptynuke with %mbMB to user %user@%group"
Nuke_Empty_Nuke_Text_NA		= " Emptynuke is not enabled. No punishment will be given"
Nuke_Empty_Dirowner_NA		= " Unable to find owner of directory"
Nuke_Log		= ""%vfs" "%user" "%group" "%nukee" "%nukeegroup" "%.0multi" "%.2size" "%reason""
Nuke_Log			= ""%vfs" "%user@%group" "%nukee@%nukeegroup" "%.0multi %.2size" "%reason""
Nuke_Create_Message_File	= 1
Nuke_Create_Nuke_Tag		= 2
Nuke_Tag			= "[NUKED]-[%.0multix]-[by %user@%group]-[%reason]"
Nuke_Group_Flag			= Z
Nuke_Log_File			= c:\server\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\ioA.nuke.log
Nuke_Output_Line		= " %-15user | %-15group | %10.2sizeMB | %10.2mbMB"
Nuke_Output_Total		= "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Total bytes:     %10.2sizeMB  Total credits:  %10.2mbMB"
Nuke_Run_Script			= "c:\winnt\script.exe nuke %user %.0size"
Nuke_File_Filter_0		= *.ioFTPD*
Nuke_Message_File		= .ioFTPD.message
Nuke_Message_File_Src		= c:\server\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\ioA.nuke.message.msg
i want a folder being created in die dir which god nuked, but there is no folder i think everything in the config is correct.


sorry this is ioA and not banana, please move *g*
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