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Old 06-06-2004, 07:03 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 1

Originally posted by darkone
I don't plan to implement dyndns support to ips, since there are several drawbacks that I prefer not even try to explain. However, there's one trick that should work: Create a script that goes through all users, resolves hosts that match certain wildcards (such as *, * & dumps resolved information to HOSTS file in "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc". This should make io to resolve the 'dyndns' address from client ip, instead of resolving client's real host.... neat uhh?
Is there a finished script for this or better yet a standalone program ?

One way of doing this is to have a separate .txt file that the proggy / script reads as input and then uses the entries (dyndns) from that file to update the hosts file.

The best way would be if it created some taga in the hosts file like
# Dyndns resolve start

# Dyndns resolve end
and replaced everyting between them each time its run.

Does a proggy / script like this exist or does someone feel like they'd like to make it ?

The design with an input file is that then only those dyndns addys will get resolved - an added layer of control.

(Resolve in this case means that the proggy pings the dyndns and saves that ip in the hosts file - this since true resolve dosent work).

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