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Old 07-14-2004, 07:34 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 26

After a few months of inactivity due to personal reasons I browsed this forum today and read this post.
I'm deeply touched by what happened to your little daughter.
It's hard to imagine for someone that does not have children yet.
I know it comes late, but I want to express my deepest condolence with you Caladan and your wife.

You must be a very strong character that you keep on living your life and even keep on developing this project.
I truly admire your strength to go through this extremely difficult situation.

My thoughts are with you.
Keep your head up.
We all appreciate your strength and sake to continue the project in memory of Sandra.
I'm sure she'll have a very special everlasting place in the mind of every member of this community.
At least in mine, she will ...
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