I erased the xferlog and since then Showlog has been working fine. No crash on Master..
Another suggestion that would give some better overview would be to add date/time.
[18:11:03] site showlog testusr 10
[18:11:03] 200-[ 1](04-03/12 17:11:01) testusr DOg_BAnd-MP3-(Promo)-2004-FNT/00-DOg_BAnd-mp3-(promo)-2004-fnt.nfo
[18:11:03] 200-[ 2](04-03/12 17:10:01) testusr DOg_BAnd-MP3-(Promo)-2004-FNT/00-DOg_BAnd-mp3-(promo)-2004-fnt.nfo
[18:11:03] 200-[ 3](04-03/12 17:09:01) testusr DOg_BAnd-MP3-(Promo)-2004-FNT/00-DOg_BAnd-mp3-(promo)-2004-fnt.nfo
[18:11:03] 200 Command successful.
Something like this.