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Old 01-18-2004, 01:08 PM  
Posse Member
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,956

Just FYI, here's how the bitrate is fetched in ioB, for cbr and vbr MP3.

int CMP3Info::getBitrate() {

    if (VBitRate) {

        // get average frame size by deviding fileSize by the number of frames
        float medFrameSize = (float)fileSize / (float)getNumberOfFrames();
        /* Now using the formula for FrameSizes which looks different,
           depending on which mpeg version we're using, for mpeg v1:
           FrameSize = 12 * BitRate / SampleRate + Padding (if there is padding)

           for mpeg v2 the same thing is:

           FrameSize = 144 * BitRate / SampleRate + Padding (if there is padding)

           remember that bitrate is in kbps and sample rate in Hz, so we need to
           multiply our BitRate with 1000.

           For our purpose, just getting the average frame size, will make the
           padding obsolete, so our formula looks like:

           FrameSize = (mpeg1?12:144) * 1000 * BitRate / SampleRate;

        return (int)( 
                     ( medFrameSize * (float)header.getFrequency() ) / 
                     ( 1000.0 * ( (header.getLayerIndex()==3) ? 12.0 : 144.0))

    else return header.getBitrate();

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