Using ioBanana v20 / ioFTPD-beta-5-8-5r
Iam trying to figure out this !listapproved command.
When I pull a site approve foldername, a folder inside the approved release is infact created, approved by hukker,
when I then run the command !listapproved in channel, it gives me "Nothing is approved at the moment."
Ive tried looking for any settings conserning approvel but cant seem to find anything.
btw ioautonuke.itcl still nukes the folder which is approved, but if I
pull a site approved releasename as a command on the ftp and then try to nuke it gives me release is approved, not possible to nuke etc...
seems ioautonuke overrides the approved command, not sure :P
cause I really dont see an approved by setting in the ioautonuke where you can set the dirtag so it wont nuke.
let me know if you need some more info