site rank
200-Usage: SITE RANK <type> <user> [sections <sections#>]
200- SITE RANK <type> =<group> [sections <sections#>]
200- SITE RANK <type> #<x> [sections <sections#>]
200- <type>: AllUp,Alldn,MonthUp,MonthDn,WkUp,WkDn,DayUp,DayDn
200- sections: space-separated sections numbers to include or exclude (0-9)
200- sections definition MUST end with either !* or *
200- sections examples: "!0 !2 *" or "0 1 2 3 !*"
550 Command failed.
site rank allup test
200-test@Test is #6 with 0.0 KB
550 Command failed.
While playing around with v20-RC2b, I noticed some odd things with reply codes. Just in case no one had noticed.