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Old 01-10-2004, 09:17 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 111

hmm iobanana.tcl checked and found that

proc ftpe {} {
global ftpr ioss
if {[expr [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $ftpr] < 5} {return}
if {[lindex [::ftp::Quote $ioss(ftp) NOOP] 0] != "200"} {
if {$ioss(ftp) != -1} { ::ftp::Close $ioss(ftp) }
if {![ftp_login]} { putlog "ioSS: ERROR : could not connect" }
} else {
set ioss(idlestamp) 0
set ftpr [clock clicks -milliseconds]

is that 200 sec's and thats downloaded direct from the members section...

But, ive gone off that therory anyhow, as the sitebot is still online after setting the time out to 99999999, however once again it's stopped announcing bw and trial status, but still announce's new dir etc
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