works now... but:
[16:51:57] 226-.-================================================== =====-.
[16:51:57] 226- [UL: 10.96MB] [DL: 0.00MB] [Speed: 0.00K/s] [Free: 38.34GB]
[16:51:57] 226- [Section: root] [Credits: 16.49MB] [Ratio: 1:3]
[16:51:57] 226-'-================================================== =====-'
[16:51:57] List Complete: 868 bytes in 0.12 (0.85 KBps)
[16:52:09] site dice 2 15
[16:52:09] 200- +--------------------------------+
[16:52:09] 200- | You do not have enough credits |
[16:52:09] 200- +----------------[ StormDICE ]---+
[16:52:09] 200 Command successful.
yes i do. i understand this works with multiplier, but user doesn't know that and might just assume site dice is broken.
can u change it to allow user to bet all their credits? not just their credits divided by ratio?