current changelist at this moment:
- fixed bug reported by djrob: when userlist/grouplist was sorted and then reloaded, only userid was visible in the list
- userlist & grouplist is now sorted on name instead of uid/gid as default.
- feature: separate trayicons when site has [no online users|idlers|uploads|downloads|both up&downloads] + customizable icons for this.
- feature: activitylist now saves the column widths when u change them, and can be sorted per column (not saved).
still todo for next release:
- [DONE] customizable window caption & trayicon text
- [DONE] fix ioGuiExt to work with currently "broken" 5.7.*
- customizable icons for activitylist / userlist / sitelist
- Add/delete IP working.
- Upload/download bandwidth working.
- Logincount for FTP/telnet/HTTP working.