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Old 02-03-2004, 10:17 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 13
Talking thank's to Mouton

add to iobanana.TCL in windrop's script
bind time - "* * * * *" siterequests
; 5 star mean <min> <hour> <date> <month> <year>
; if you want to announcing per 10min "?0 * * * *"
; if you want to announcing per hour.. "00 * * * *"
; if you want to announcing per day.. "00 00 * * *"
; 0 is non-specific
; if you want to announcing per 30min, add two line to iobanana.tcl
; .... bind time - "00 * * * *" siterequests
; .... bind time - "30 * * * *" siterequests

add below text.. too!
#siterequests for irc announcing#
proc siterequests {min hour day month year} {
	global ioss
	set status [catch { set ee [::ftp::Quote $ioss(ftp) SITE request] } result]
	if {$status == 1 || $ioss(ftp_error)=="Not connected!"} {putlog "$result"; ftp_force_login; return}
	set lines [split $ee \n]
########        set lines [lreplace $lines 0 1]
########        set lines [lreplace $lines end-2 end]
        sndall "ioss" $ioss(t_request_header)
        set go 0
        foreach line $lines {
            set lbit [regexp -inline -- "200- *(\[^ \]*) (.*) *$ioss(reqsplitter) *(.*) *" $line]
            if {[llength $lbit]==0} {continue}
            set number [lindex $lbit 1]
            set name [lindex $lbit 2]; regsub -all -- { } $name {} name
            set req [lindex $lbit 3]; regsub -all -- { } $req {} req
            set output $ioss(t_request_body)
            set output [replacevar $output "%number" "$number"]
            set output [replacevar $output "%request" "$req"]
            set output [replacevar $output "%name" "$name"]
            sndall "ioss" $output
            incr go
        if {$go == 0} {
            sndall "ioss" $ioss(t_request_no)
; except 1,2 line ... text is same to iobanana's request (req123)
; iobanan(19)'s syntax is mismatch to new ioa(1.0.?)'s syntax.
so, i delete two "set lines" for function by ########
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