Thread: Dear Mr Pirate
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Old 01-28-2004, 06:52 PM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 194

Originally posted by darkone
Forgot the attachment
Well, I traced the time stamps on the local sites where I found it,
as I sent this up to Darkone.

Jan 24 6:40 pm Toronto Time - Site 1 local
Jan 24 6:44 pm Toronto Time - Site 2 my site(s)
Jan 24 6:58 pm Toronto Time - Site 3 local
Jan 24 7:03 pm Toronto Time - Site 4 local site I admin

User name - same on all 4 local sites -

Got the log portion of the other 3 sites - same IP etc...

I know who this bozo is. Anyone old enough to recall the era of
the PCBoard\Renegade reviews or the CASA era of text files that
gave out reviews to rile people up...same person and this is his
ftpd history - 1 year ago WAR FTPD, then past 10 months RAIDEN,
then IO past 2 months.

No, I do not see his alias in the members area.

No, do not ask me to give out personal info as I will not ever do so.

But he has been warned - to not ever use any site I have access
to the deletion key to use as a portal to send his crap out on.

So, yes...he is a shit disturber who is back in action and if I know
him as I use to...get ready for some real interesting reading that
will only rile up people over nothing.



You may know him as he is from our neck of the woods. P_y_o as
the nick. You fill in the blanks. Use to run with Red Sector and
Razor and headed up the local courier group of the defunct
original AKIRA Project and THE HOOD. And use to be one of my
T.U.B.S co's.
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