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Old 01-25-2004, 06:51 PM  
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 105
Default StormNEW - site new command

A nice 'site new' command for ioftpd. Also supports 'site new <number>'. Standard output looks like this, but is modifieable in the .ini:

[R] site new
[R] 200- +---------------------------------------------------+
[R] 200- | Showing 10 latest directories:                    |
[R] 200- +----+----------------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+
[R] 200- | ## |                               Directory Name |     Owner | Date Created |
[R] 200- +----+----------------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+
[R] 200- |  1 |                                       sdfsdf |    ioFTPD |   26-01-2004 |
[R] 200- |  2 |                                  sdgdfahgdfr |    ioFTPD |   26-01-2004 |
[R] 200- |  3 |                                      sdgsdaf |    ioFTPD |   26-01-2004 |
[R] 200- |  4 |                                      test123 |    ioFTPD |   26-01-2004 |
[R] 200- |  5 |                                safsagdhdfhfh |    ioFTPD |   26-01-2004 |
[R] 200- |  6 | ghfsjhtfsdhgfdsgdfsgdflkgjdflgkdfjlgkdfgd... |    ioFTPD |   26-01-2004 |
[R] 200- |  7 |                                       sdfsdf |    ioFTPD |   26-01-2004 |
[R] 200- |  8 |                                       fghdfh |    ioFTPD |   26-01-2004 |
[R] 200- |  9 |                                      dsfhdfh |    ioFTPD |   26-01-2004 |
[R] 200- | 10 |                                         dsfh |    ioFTPD |   26-01-2004 |
[R] 200- +----+----------------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+
[R] 200 Command successful.
Hope anyone finds this usefull

Edit: Download this script at


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