#credits.tcl 1.2
set passwd "C:/ioFTPD/etc/UserIdTable"
set userroot "C:/ioFTPD/users"
set cr_blow(KEY) "keyhere" ;# "" not to use
set cr_blow(HEAD) "+OK" ;# leave as is if you dont know what this is
#convert iputs to privmsg
proc cr_iputs_irc {data} {global cr_blow chanx_cr
if {$cr_blow(KEY) == ""} {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chanx_cr :$data"
} else {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chanx_cr :$cr_blow(HEAD) [encrypt $cr_blow(KEY) $data]"
proc credits {nick uhost handle chan args} {global passwd userroot
set chanx_cr $chan
if {[lindex $args 0] == ""} {cr_iputs_irc "PRIVMSG $chan :usage !credits user";return}
set fileid [open $passwd r]
set data [read $fileid]
close $fileid
foreach line [split $data \n] {
if {[string equal [lindex $args 0] [lindex [split $line :] 0]]} {
set data $line
foreach dline [split $data \n] {
set cname [lindex [split $dline :] 0]
set dline [lindex [split $dline :] 1]
if {[regexp -- "[lindex $args 0]" $cname]} {set exist 1} else {set exist 0}
if {![string equal {} $dline] } {
if {![file exists $userroot/$dline]} {
set fileid [open $userroot/$dline r]
set sata [read $fileid]
close $fileid
foreach line [split $sata \n] {
set line [string tolower $line]
foreach line [split $sata \n] {
if {[string equal "credits" [lindex [split $line " "] 0]]} {
set credsex $line
set credsec0 [lindex $credsex 1]
set credsec1 [lindex $credsex 2]
set credsec2 [lindex $credsex 3]
set credsec3 [lindex $credsex 4]
set credsec4 [lindex $credsex 5]
set credsec5 [lindex $credsex 6]
set credsec6 [lindex $credsex 7]
set credsec7 [lindex $credsex 8]
set credsec8 [lindex $credsex 9]
set credsec9 [lindex $credsex 10]
set allcreds [expr ($credsec0 + $credsec1 + $credsec2 + $credsec3 + $credsec4 + $credsec5 + $credsec6 + $credsec7 + $credsec8 + $credsec9) * 1.0]
if {$exist == 1} {
cr_iputs_irc "PRIVMSG $chan :[lindex $args 0] has \002[formatkb $allcreds]\002 credits"} else {
cr_iputs_irc "PRIVMSG $chan :User does not exist!"
proc formatkb {size} {
if {$size >= 1073741824} {
set amount "[format %.2f [expr $size/1073741824.0]] TB"
} elseif {$size >= 1048576} {
set amount "[format %.2f [expr $size/1048576.0]] GB"
} elseif {$size >= 1024} {
set amount "[format %.2f [expr $size/1024.0]] MB"
} else {
set amount "[format %.2f $size] KB"
return $amount
bind pub -|- !credits credits
putlog "credit script 1.2 with blowfish support loaded!!!"
NOT tested
Again, all credits goes to SomeoneWhoCares for making it and to badass because it was based on his static.tcl