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Old 01-18-2004, 07:00 PM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 488

k, proper ranks @ compare1_5

added #rank position to output (instead of #files).
added LEECH & NUKE now gets points deducted (Nookie).

[23:55:22] [badaas] !compare FystM hostit
[23:55:22] [|Hi|] Bi984LL5 presents: FystM vs hostit
[23:55:24] [|Hi|] Round 1 - UL/DL Ratio: [ 581.31 ] vs [ 0.16 ] - 1 point to FystM
[23:55:24] [|Hi|] Round 2 - UL/DAY: [ 423.64mB for 59 days ] vs [ 56.45mB for 58 days ] - 1 point to FystM
[23:55:26] [|Hi|] Round 3 - MnUp: [ 24.41gB @ #1 ] vs [ 3.20gB @ #5 ] - 1 point to FystM
[23:55:28] [|Hi|] Round 4 - WkUp: [ 0kB @ #N/A ] vs [ 0kB @ #N/A ] - Tie! no points
[23:55:30] [|Hi|] Round 5 - NUKES: [ 1N ] vs [ 0N ] - 1 point deducted from FystM
[23:55:32] [|Hi|] Round 6 - AlUp: [ 24.41gB @ #1 ] vs [ 3.20gB @ #5 ] - 1 point to FystM
[23:55:34] [|Hi|] Round 7 - DayUp: [ 0kB @ #N/A ] vs [ 0kB @ #N/A ] - Tie! no points
[23:55:36] [|Hi|] Round 8 - LEECH: [ 43.00mB @ #14 ] vs [ 20.40gB @ #1 ] - 1 point deducted from hostit
[23:55:38] [|Hi|] Round 9 - SPDUP: [ 188kB/s ] vs [ 97kB/s ] - 1 point to FystM
[23:55:41] [|Hi|] Round 10 - SPDDN: [ 17kB/s ] vs [ 34kB/s ] - 1 point to hostit
[23:55:42] [|Hi|] The winner is FystM by 4 to 0!
todo: whatever?
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