Thread: ioShareDB
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Old 12-28-2003, 09:44 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 4

Could someone give me example line to read out the values dircectly in the sql database?

I dont understand the TINYBLOB type fields.


Because /msg sitebot !invite user pass is not working.
So i need a new invite script.

I use fbsql(.dll) for windrop to connect a database within TCL.

#### example test
sql connect sqluser sqlpassword
sql selectdb ioftpd
sql startquery "SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 0,5" -array results
while {[sql fetchrow] != ""} {
set user $results(name)
set flags $results(flags)
set ratio $results(ratio)
set credits $results(credits)
set daydn $results(daydn)

if {$user != ""} {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\002DBTEST\002 ( User: $user has flags: $flags ratio: $ratio credits: $credits daydn: $daydn)"
sql endquery
sql disconnect

DBTEST ( User: Poema has flags: 1 ratio: credits: ~4< daydn: )

So i need to know how i get readable text out of the TINYBLOB fields and need to know how the password of the user is stored.
Still SHA1 or MD5 or whatever...

Thanx for reading.
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