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Old 11-21-2003, 08:13 AM  
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 2
Default cant install iobanana

i read the doc
and i cant understand some of it:
Two lines are commented by default. SITE RULES and the Spider schedule.

Create a rules.msg file then uncomment the rules = ... line.

For the spider, I suggest you run it using SITE EXEC the first time to see if it works good.

SITE EXEC c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana.exe SPIDER

After that, you can schedule it in ioFTPD.ini:

Spider = 0 0 * * ..\scripts\ioBanana.exe SPIDER FORCEDELETE

The 'FORCEDELETE' parameter is used if you want the script to delete all the symlinks it finds that are invalid.

I suggest once again that you run it a couple of days without the FORCEDELETE keyword, and that you run it manually with FORCEDELETE in the morning:


7. Remove both references to ioA resetstats from ioftpd.ini (if u have such a thing). Mine does the same, but has section support. Also, remove rescan and rescanall from ioA.

8. Change ioa.cfg:

Caladan_IMDB_Path=c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana.exe imdbpre

or for ioA v0.7.9+

Execute_on_Pre_Path=c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioBanana.exe imdbpre

Also in ioa.cfg:

Log_New_Date="%vfs" "%area" "%desc" "%phys"
Log_PRE="%user" "%group" "%type" "%vfs" "%desc" "%mb" "%files" "%release"
Log_Give="%user" "%group" "%mb" "%target"
Log_Take="%user" "%group" "%mb" "%target"
Log_Wipe="%vfs" "%release" "%user" "%group" "%files" "%dirs" "%mb"
Log_Invite="%user" "%group" "%ircnick"
Log_Request="%user" "%group" "%request"
Log_Reqfilled="%user" "%group" "%request"
Log_Reqdel="%user" "%group" "%request"
Log_Nuke="%vfs" "%user" "%group" "%nukee" "%nukeegroup" "%multi" "%size" "%reason"
Log_UnNuke="%vfs" "%user" "%group" "%nukee" "%nukeegroup" "%multi" "%size" "%reason"

mmm im really new in this io thing
if someone could send me his ready iobanana files it will be great
i have ioftpd beta
and also in the doc i cant find where is
thanx if ya get me the ready files which i will change the chan and the ip etc
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