whats that? setdelmsg works/works notworks.... i dunno why but setting up a delmsg sometimes works and sometimes not.
SITE deluser test
200-User successfully added to the readd database.
200 deluser Command successful.
SITE setdelmsg test hello
200 Command successful.
SITE setdelmsg test "hello"
200 Command successful.
SITE setdelmsg test "hello hello"
200 Command successful.
SITE setdelmsg test "hello hello 1 2 3"
200-Message 'hello hello 1 2 3' successfully added for user 'test'
200 Command successful.
SITE setdelmsg test "hello hello 1 2 3 4"
200-Message 'hello hello 1 2 3 4' successfully added for user 'test'
200 Command successful.
SITE setdelmsg test " my dear hello hello 1 2 3 4"
200 Command successful.
SITE setdelmsg test "my dear hello hello 1 2 3 4"
200 Command successful.
SITE setdelmsg test "HELLO"
200-Message 'HELLO' successfully added for user 'test'
200 Command successful.
SITE setdelmsg test "last try"
200 Command successful.
greez toki