Originally Posted by Mouton
No programming involved, unless u call creating a .bat file programming...
OnFtpLogin = ..\windrop\restart.bat
cd c:\ioftpd\windrop
pslist eggdrop.exe > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto restart
goto end
hiderun eggdrop.exe -nt eggdrop.conf
about the bat file
the "cd c:\ioftpd\windrop" should be the folder where eggdrop.exe is right?
and the only text in it should be
cd c:\ioftpd\windrop
pslist eggdrop.exe > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto restart
goto end
hiderun eggdrop.exe -nt eggdrop.conf
errorlevel 1 means its not running?
OnFtpLogin = ..\windrop\restart.bat where do i put this? under what part in ioftpd.ini?