Originally posted by odd
tryed your script and it looks nice. Realy like the "site close command" Would it be possible to have a script that only have these commands?
- "Admin" commands :
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯Â¯
site open - Open the site if it was closed
site close - Close the site (kick all users excepted admins & custom list of users/groups), usage : site close <reason>
- Note : reason is optional
Or is it possible to disable the oter settings except the command abow?
Ive got a suggestion to the site close. Would be nice if it could display the 200-Site is now closed (no specified reason) for all the users that gets kicked. I know they will be informed when they try and login. Just a suggestion.
OCscript does this
and just out of curiosity, what does site open/close have to do with a site who script? i don't know why you included it in the package...espcecialyl when other scripts already do this
but nonetheless cool who script.