when using :
Require_Encrypted_Auth = !*
Require_Encrypted_Data = !*
Certificate_Name = blabla.mine.nu [*registered version*]
Explicit_Encryption = True
Encryption_Protocol = SSL3
Min_Cipher_Strength = 56
Max_Cipher_Strength = 384
(cfg rehashed, server restarted)
Implicit :
[18:41:04] Negotiating SSL/TLS session...
[18:41:20] Connection failed (Connection lost)
Auth SSL:
[18:41:34] 220 :: xxx ready to serve ::
[18:41:34] AUTH SSL
[18:41:34] 504 AUTH SSL unsupported.
[18:41:34] Failed SSL/TLS negotiation, disconnected
[18:41:34] Connection failed (Connection lost)
Auth TSL:
[18:42:12] Ident Request: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
[18:42:12] 220 :: xxx ready to serve ::
[18:42:12] AUTH TLS
[18:42:12] 504 AUTH TLS unsupported.
[18:42:12] Failed SSL/TLS negotiation, disconnected
[18:42:12] Connection failed (Connection lost)