Thread: List -r ?
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Old 11-06-2003, 10:05 AM  
Posse Member
Join Date: Dec 2002
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ioFTPD became very rapidely a leading win32 ftpd not by following other ftpd, but by dark's hard work on making it as stable and as performant as technicaly possible.

LIST -R or STAT -R would break that simple goal. It would make that part of ioFTPD not permormant at all. dark, and many others, don't want that.
What's more, it would take dark's time he could use to do http interface, cache optimizations, and so on.

If you want to search a site, use the site search, site dupe, or any other available scripts to search a site effeciently.
If none of the scripts do what u wanna do, make another script yourself.

dark said many times in the past that he's concentrating on ftpd only features.
All other needs will have to be fulfilled by scripts. I doubt searching through thousands of files would qualify as a ftpd feature.

So in conclusion, use a script, because -R won't be available anytime soon on ioFTPD.
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