Use version 799 of raiden.
- turn off the call home part in the ini, no sense in using it.
- turn off the internal CRC checking and use FTPSERVERTOOLS programs - rock solid!!!!
- increase the port range over the default
- you may have to turn off network size scanning depending on
the delay - but that is for each system to decide on.
these 3 items did the trick...
I have no issues here with IO or any other ftpd fxping to the site.
There are people here and at other ftpd support areas that can
answer questions without being PRO-IDIOTS ...but some do
still censor other ftpd names - glad DARKONE shows he has the
class to allow other names...
Now any ftpd I run - I do not use a router, firewall or antivirus
here, that is 99.99% of all problems from SITE to SITE as 99.99
of people don't know how to set these items up.
And I don't use SSL - WHY USE IT ALL? Total waste at this time
frame...too new, too buggy, and most people I know prefer not
to use it...(let others R&D this crap until it works without the ftpd
and clients doing update after update...)
So I remove part of the problem before it starts on sites that
"do" use these items...
Why don't I use IO now - soon - ...BW CONTROL!