I decided to use the second implementation as it's easier to parse & has less overhead (only data you request, is being copied)
if { [client who init "UID" "VIRTUALPATH"] == 0 } {
while { 1 } {
set data [client who fetch]
if { "$data" == "" } {
iputs "Uid: [lindex $data 0] Path: [lindex $data 1]"
SITE KILL is something simple as:
set uid [resolve user $args]
if { $uid == -1 } {
iputs "Could not locate user"
return 0
# We should check for master flag!
if { [client who init "UID" "CID"] == 0 } {
while { 1 } {
set data [client who fetch]
if { "$data" == "" } {
if {[lindex $data 0] == $uid]} {
client kill clientid [lindex $data 1]
iptus "Gave death signal to client [lindex $data 1]"
iputs "Uid: [lindex $data 0] Path: [lindex $data 1]"