Hello dark,
It would be cool if you add some commands to check activity per services/users/groups
examples :
activity <service> :
--> [activity "FTP_Service"] return :
"uid" "gid" "pwd" "ident@ip" "path" "flags" "speed" "idletime" "action (DL/UL/IDLE)"
activity <-user> :
--> [activity "-ViNcE"] return :
"uid" "gid" "pwd" "ident@ip" "path" "flags" "speed" "idletime" "action (DL/UL/IDLE)"
activity <=group> :
--> [activity "=STAFF"] return :
"uid" "gid" "pwd" "ident@ip" "path" "flags" "speed" "idletime (in seconds)" "action (DL/UL/IDLE)"
(don't forget the quotes so we can get info easily)
and return -1 on error if service/user/group doesn't exists or something else...
We can maybe be able to use that too :
activity <-user1 -user2 -user3 ...>
activity <=group1 =group2 =group3 ...>
That's all for me

maybe a lot for you, but if u want to make a version especially for itcl scripters, make it complete and well :P
Have fun!