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Old 11-01-2003, 11:15 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 411

17:12:26 200- ### [VFS]
17:12:26 200- 000: ###
17:12:26 200- 001: # Default attributes for files & directories
17:12:26 200- 002: #
17:12:26 200- 003: # Required Parameters: <filemode> <owner uid>:<owner gid>
17:12:26 200- 004: #
17:12:26 200- 005:
17:12:26 200- 006: Default_Directory_Attributes = 755 0:0
17:12:26 200- 007: Default_File_Attributes = 644 0:0
17:12:26 200- 008:
17:12:26 200- 009:
17:12:26 200- 010: ###
17:12:26 200- 011: # Command specific rules
17:12:26 200- 012: #
17:12:26 200- 013: Modify_Stats_On_Delete = False
17:12:26 200- 014:
17:12:26 200- 015: ###
17:12:26 200- 016: # Detailed permissions for directories
17:12:26 200- 017: #
17:12:26 200- 018: # priviledge = <virtual path> <rights>
17:12:26 200- 019: #
17:12:26 200- 020: # Everyone can upload in /UPLOAD/ and delete their own stuff
17:12:26 200- 021: MakeDir = /UPLOAD/* *
17:12:26 200- 022: Upload = /UPLOAD/* *
17:12:26 200- 023: Resume = /UPLOAD/* *
17:12:26 200- 024: RemoveOwnDir = /UPLOAD/* *
17:12:26 200- 025: DeleteOwn = /UPLOAD/* *
17:12:26 200- 026: # LEECH can't upload in any other dir
17:12:26 200- 027: MakeDir = * !=LEECH *
17:12:26 200- 028: Upload = * !=LEECH *
17:12:26 200- 029: Resume = * !=LEECH *
17:12:26 200- 030: # Nobody can delete their files outside /UPLOAD/
17:12:26 200- 031: RemoveOwnDir = * !*
17:12:26 200- 032: DeleteOwn = * !*
17:12:26 200- 033: Download = * *
17:12:26 200- 034: RemoveDir = * 1VM
17:12:26 200- 035: Rename = * 1VM
17:12:26 200- 036: RenameOwn = * *
17:12:26 200- 037: Overwrite = * 1VM
17:12:26 200- 038: Delete = * 1VM
17:12:26 200- 039: NoStats = * !*
17:12:26 200- 040: ShowActivity = * *
17:12:26 200- 041:
17:12:26 200 CONFIG command successful.
17:13:36 > CWD APPZ
17:13:36 250 CWD command successful.
17:13:47 > MKD TEST
17:13:47 257 "TEST" created.
17:14:06 > RMD TEST
17:14:06 250 RMD command successful.

That was done from ioGUI by ioFTPD@MASTER (1MTHL)
as u see my config is rehashed :x
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