[17:45:40] TYPE I
[17:45:40] 200 Type set to IMAGE.
[17:45:40] PASV
[17:45:40] 227 Entering Passive Mode (200,50,xx,xx,6,83)
[17:45:40] PORT 200,50,xx,xx,6,83
[17:45:41] 200 Port command ok.
[17:45:41] STOR test.rar
[17:45:41] 150 Opening BINARY data connection for /-- ++ UpLoadz ++ --/test/test.rar
[17:45:41] RETR test.rar
[17:45:41] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for test.rar.
[17:47:30] 226-Automatic RAR verification : PASSED.
[17:47:30] 226-Ba: 0 bytes Su: 2953251 bytes en esta sesion
[17:47:30] 226-Ultima Velocidad de Subida : 27 kb/sec , tienes Unlimited kb creditos
[17:47:30] 226-+================================================= ==================-.
[17:47:30] 226- Directory Info for test |
[17:47:30] 226-+================================================= ==================-|
[17:47:30] 226- Uploader | Group |Files| Total Size (Bytes) | % of Upload |
[17:47:30] 226-+-------------+-----------+-----+--------------------+---------------|
[17:47:30] 226- | xxxxx | 1f | 2953251 | 100.00% |
[17:47:30] 226-+-------------+-----------+-----+--------------------+---------------|
[17:47:30] 226- Total : 01 | | 1f | 2.82 mb | 100.00% |
[17:47:30] 226-+================================================= =================+-'
[17:47:30] 226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed.
[17:49:28] 426 Connection closed: The specified network name is no longer available.
[17:49:28] Transfer Failed!
[17:49:28] TYPE A
[17:49:28] 200 Type set to A.
[17:49:28] PASV
[17:49:28] 227 Entering Passive Mode (200,50,xx,xx,5,143)
[17:49:28] LIST -al
[17:49:28] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.
[17:49:28] 226-[Dl: 1763.5MB]-[Up: 8419.4MB]-[Speed: 198380.6kb/s]-[Free: 73GB]
[17:49:28] 226 [Section: REQUEST]-[Credits: 0.0 Mb]-[Ratio: Unlimited]
[17:49:28] List Complete: 604 bytes in 0,11 (0,59 KBps)
[17:49:28] TYPE A
[17:49:29] 200 Type set to ASCII.
[17:49:29] PASV
[17:49:29] 227 Entering Passive Mode (200,68,xx,xx,4,179)
[17:49:29] LIST -al
Blue= io
green= raiden