I need to add the + and * for leecher & groupadmin, i forgot that. Not a big problem.
The totalgroupstats are available already, edit your groupusers.foot.nfo file :
| |
| allup %(total_allup,8,R) alldn %(total_alldn,8,R) |
| monthup %(total_monthup,8,R) monthdn %(total_monthdn,8,R) |
| wkup %(total_wkup,8,R) wkdn %(total_wkdn,8,R) |
| dayup %(total_dayup,8,R) daydn %(total_daydn,8,R) |
| |
i will update this file by default in next version
i need to
- add filecount (next to the megabytecount there is now)
- add order number
- add limiting (top 5/10/20/...)
will take a bit of work, nothing hard tho