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Old 10-27-2004, 03:43 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 2

Just a little question:

I want to have the plot in the imdb.nfo but when I add it, it only shows the 56 chars like it supose to.
Like this:
  ...::(  The iMDB!  )::...                                            
|                                                                     |
| Title....: Spider-Man 2 (2004)                                      |
| Rating...: 7.9/10                                                   |
| Votes....: 28,164                                                   |
| Genre....: Action / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Thriller                     |
| Director.: N/A                                                      |
| URL......:                     |
| Runtime..: 127 mins                                                 |
| Budget...: $200,000,000 (estimated)                                 |
| Country..: USA                                                      |
| Language.: English                                                  |
| Screens..: 4,152 Screens                                            |
| Tagline..: Sacrifice                                                |
| Plot.....: Peter Parker is beset with numerous personal problems wh |
|                                                                     |
Is it possible to have it showed like this:
  ...::(  The iMDB!  )::...                                            
|                                                                     |
| Title....: Spider-Man 2 (2004)                                      |
| Rating...: 7.9/10                                                   |
| Votes....: 28,164                                                   |
| Genre....: Action / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Thriller                     |
| Director.: N/A                                                      |
| URL......:                     |
| Runtime..: 127 mins                                                 |
| Budget...: $200,000,000 (estimated)                                 |
| Country..: USA                                                      |
| Language.: English                                                  |
| Screens..: 4,152 Screens                                            |
| Tagline..: Sacrifice                                                |
| Plot.....: Peter Parker is beset with numerous personal problems    |
|            while Spider-Man confronts the brilliant Dr. Otto        |
|            Octavius, who has been transformed into "Doctor Octopus" |
|            (aka, "Doc Ock"), a multi-tentacled menace.              |
|                                                                     |
The dZSbot.tcl is now like this:
				puts $fileid ""
				puts $fileid "  ...::(  The iMDB!  )::...                                            "
				puts $fileid ".-===================================================================-."
				puts $fileid "|                                                                     |"
				puts $fileid "| Title....: [format %-56.56s $title] |"
				puts $fileid "| Rating...: [format %-8.8s $rating] [format %-47.47s " "] |"
				puts $fileid "| Votes....: [format %-8.8s $votes] [format %-47.47s " "] |"
				puts $fileid "| Genre....: [format %-56.56s $genre] |"
				puts $fileid "| Director.: [format %-56.56s $name] |"
				puts $fileid "| URL......: [format %-56.56s $url2] |"
				puts $fileid "| Runtime..: [format %-3.3s $runtime] mins [format %-47.47s " "] |"
				puts $fileid "| Budget...: [format %-56.56s $budget] |"
				puts $fileid "| Country..: [format %-56.56s $country] |"
				puts $fileid "| Language.: [format %-56.56s $language] |"
				puts $fileid "| Screens..: [format %-56.56s $screens] |"
				puts $fileid "| Tagline..: [format %-56.56s $tagline] |"
				puts $fileid "| Plot.....: [format %-56.56s $plot] |"
				puts $fileid "|                                                                     |"
				puts $fileid "`-===================================================================-'"
				close $fileid
Thx if you can help me with this minor problem
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